Tieing down help


hello iam growing in a aqua farm two plants in each bucket but need to tie down three weeks into flowering can i use wool r does it have to be string should i put something around stem where string or wool meets plant or will it be ok thankyou


Well-Known Member
I use a rubber coated wire, but have used plain old yarn in veg...you just don't want anything with fuzz once the plant is flowering, because flowering plants are sticky...and everything sticks to them...and then you end up with little fuzzies in your pot...which doesn't really matter all that much...but if you make hash with your trimmings the hairs get on my nerves because you see them later in the hash you are left with...so I started using rubber coated wire...


Well-Known Member
Then again...you can do most of your training before flowering ideally, and then just remove the strings once you are flowering..because you will keep and flower all the tops you trained the plant to have, even if you remove the tie downs...I train in veg and then just let the flower in flower...around 3 weeks of flowering the plants are going to grow just how they are and they end up pulling my stakes out anyway.


Well-Known Member
be careful when tying down during flower because the stems are probably already thick and woodlike so they can snap and byebye cola :(


thanks guys managed to tie one of the big ones to the back of room to allow more light into middle between farms iam going to leave it be this time and see how they go next time ill trin earlier and maybe a crog as i can only afford a 400 w down there and have to make it work for me


Active Member
I used platic zip ties last time cause thats what I had available and they definitly worked well for me. every day i'd close the zip ties a few more notchs. Worked quite well I think. I just tied the main cola down and one at the base to work against the main stalk.