Tip and trick m (newbie)


New Member
How much light should these plants see? How often to water? Should I get a growing tent with a better light? I’m not really regulating Humidity or temp, they are just growing on the floor in one of our rooms. One is a random seed I wanted to see if I could grow the other smaller one is a auto flowering seed I purchased image.jpg


Well-Known Member
yes you should get a much better light. tent is not a necessity but if you can afford it sure. temps keep it around 28°C with lights over 21°C lights off. get them into bigger pots and water only when the pots are significantly lighter.

there are thousand of threads on this site that will teach you how to grow healthy plants, start reading if you want to grow.


Well-Known Member
You need a shitload more light.
Bury at least half that stem when you transplant.
I suggest you do some research.