Tips yellowing and a brown spot...HELP (Pics)


New Member
Hi guys,

This is my first grow and its indoors with a 4x4 grow tent. I'm using Black Gold organic soil. The plants are rougly 2 weeks old and I just noticed one plant has a brown spot and one plant's tip is starting to yellow. Some xtra info....We watered with a dolomite solution to try to up the PH a bit. Some of the leaves have a grayish color because of the solution getting on the leaves, is this bad? Also I have a gnat problem which Ill be using hydrogen peroxide next watering to kill them. I wtaer them every two days and I havent introduced any nutes or fertilizers yet. Ill be transplanting them into 3 gal pots soon with black gold organic some perlite and coco with blood, bone, and kelp meal.

Soooo what can I do to rid these plants of these spots and yellowing!?



New Member
Hi guys,

This is my first grow and its indoors with a 4x4 grow tent. I'm using Black Gold organic soil. The plants are rougly 2 weeks old and I just noticed one plant has a brown spot and one plant's tip is starting to yellow. Some xtra info....We watered with a dolomite solution to try to up the PH a bit. Some of the leaves have a grayish color because of the solution getting on the leaves, is this bad? Also I have a gnat problem which Ill be using hydrogen peroxide next watering to kill them. I wtaer them every two days and I havent introduced any nutes or fertilizers yet. Ill be transplanting them into 3 gal pots soon with black gold organic some perlite and coco with blood, bone, and kelp meal.

Soooo what can I do to rid these plants of these spots and yellowing!?
Yellowing Pic



Staff member
aside from a bit of droopy leaves they look fine to me :/ ...i think youre over worrying


Staff member
well are you over watering them? .
by that i mean how many times a week do you water?


New Member
I wait until the soil seems dry. I probably water 3-4 times a week like two double shots worth of distilled water per plant until i see runoff


just babies... let them get dry for a day before you water again.. sit back and smoke a j ... you could also use some sort of root accelerator , like great white. foiler feed em and i bet it would help.


Well-Known Member
To me it looks like you are "tinkering" too much...which almost always involves water (adding your dolomite lime fix etc). For this reason, your plants are probably getting too much water. Stop worrying, and don't water again until you are sure the pot is dry enough that air can get to the roots. Chances are it's your tinkering which is making the problem worse. Unless your soil is totally wrong, plain water will always be fine until they are a few weeks old at the very earliest.

Overwatering makes leaves droop.


New Member
To me it looks like you are "tinkering" too much...which almost always involves water (adding your dolomite lime fix etc). For this reason, your plants are probably getting too much water. Stop worrying, and don't water again until you are sure the pot is dry enough that air can get to the roots. Chances are it's your tinkering which is making the problem worse. Unless your soil is totally wrong, plain water will always be fine until they are a few weeks old at the very earliest.

Overwatering makes leaves droop.
Alright thanks man. today we noticed there is some blacking on the edges of some leaves. is this also due to over watering or is it possible the light is too close? the light is about a foot and a half away at 600 watts full strength


Well-Known Member
It could be heat stress, tips turn brown...
It could be where you have touched the leaf tips...
It could be where water [with ?] hit leaf...
It could be where leaf rested on soil when it drooped....
Aerate soil if you can... maybe a small tooth pick stiring the top soil...
Whatever it is, try underthinking....
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
It sounds like trouble for sure. I'm no expert on gnats, or other similar pests so you may want to start doing a bit more research's fairly unlikely to be a deficiency at this point in my opinion, so either the gnats or gnat larvae are likely culprits...

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
dark spots often lead to a burn ... what soil type... any ammendments... and yeah 3 to 4 times a week is way too much... like 2 at the most... the soil has to dry up a little or even a lot. the roots need to look for water as well as take in some oxygen. They sould like theyre drowning.... take a paperclip and strighten it.... poke it down in the soil and from the side if possible but not directly under as you dont want to kill the roots. at this point if those pics are recent... id leave the soil alone... also how hot is it... this sounds alot like heat burn as well


New Member
Thanks guys, last time i watered was Saturday so I guess ill water again tuesday or wednesday. Ill add hydorgen peroxide to try and kill these gnats. The soil im using is 70% black gold organic, 20% perlite and 10% coco. What do you mean by the paperclip? and the temps have been roughly 70 at night when the lights are off (20/4) and 82 during the day


New Member
I have a fan on them and a good ventilation, I have a duct with a cool tube reflector. Ill try and post a pic of the spots....theyre very small so its hard to get a good picture


Well-Known Member
If you have a 'Magnifier' loop, look at the spots up close, and see if they are moving....
Again, Good Luck...

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
bentpaperclip.gif straighten one of these out and use it to stab down into the dirt... it will offer the roots the oxygen theyve been deprived if youve been overwatering.... you can drown roots like a human... you need oxygen ever 10 seconds... they need it every cpl days