Top or FIM autos?

Hi folks.
First time growing autos and was wondering if you all top or Fim them?
Just worried about recovery time affecting growth and such.



Well-Known Member
Don't quote me on it but I think certain autos depending on their strain you can top real early. But idk how well that would work because you'll only have so much recovery time and new growth before they flower if that makes sense

Saboo the Shaman

Well-Known Member
In my experience, you can do pretty much anything with a healthy, dialed-in auto. It will recover from topping without a stutter, it can be bent and trained.

If it is not healthy and vigorous, it can be easily stunted. It all comes down to your confidence in your ability to read your plant and in the environment you've created.

f series

Well-Known Member
Gonna have to agree with saboo, if your auto is growing slow aka it's still small 2-3 weeks in, you messed up feeding/water enough, and it's prolly not worth keeping