topping for scrog when plant is young?


Hey guys i was just wondering, i plan on using the screen of green method on one of my "bubblegummer" plants and i was wondering is it a good idea to top the plant young to get 2 main shoots, so the plant can evenly stretch along the left and right side of the "screen"?user65379_pic38671_1237308263.jpg
i feel like without doing this it would stretch to one of the screen?
sorry if this is a stupid question first time trying it.


Well-Known Member
i prefer to top my plants when they are small. I find it makes the plant more of a bush rather than if you wait until the plant is 8-12 inches tall then you get a bushy plant still but it doesnt fit my needs as well. Really you just have to try both ways and see which works for you. Most people will say to wait until the plant has 6 nodes to top though. That is the common info that you will find on this, the rest is just my two cents. I top sometimes with as few as 3 nodes, pretty much as soon as the clone starts new growth, i chop it off...Works well for me.


Well-Known Member
I usually top at six nodes but this plant look's like a great candidate for a SCROG.The whole point is to keep growth under the screen .(I use fence) once its under the screen the limb's will be growing chutes in all direction's and at 70% of a full screen shift to 12/12.Once you try it you wont go back.