transfering from hydro indoors to soil outdoors


Active Member
I need to know if when i transplants the clones off the drip system can they be transplanted into a soil mixture in 5 gallon buckets or is it going to be to damaging to the roots?


Well-Known Member
just be careful when you do it. Its possible and people do do it, but as with any transplant/switching of medium theres gonna be stress on the plant involved, itll get stressed from 3 things in this case.

Medium transfer
Indoors to outdoors
and hydro to soil

So that's 3 stress factors you giving it there, and the plant will react differently depending on the strain and certain environmental conditions. Don't be surprised when the plant stunts and/or looks bad for a few days/weeks.

the best thing u can do is make sure to put it in shade when moving from indoors to outdoors rather than direct sunlight.


Well-Known Member
^^what he said but basically
your good. i recently transplanted from hydro to soil a rockwool 6x6x4inch cube into 5gal homedepot buckets of fox farm.

The first picture is when i got it at about 4wks veg preflowers female to about 4 or 5 wks flower.

Just make sure that if it is in rockwool to not let the rockwool get exposed to direct light. That will kill everything.




Active Member
would it be a better idea to try to spread out the 3 stress factors insted of all at once or would that be even worse. for instance, if i were to move from hydro to soil but keep them inside till they stop stressing?

thank you both btw


Well-Known Member
That would work that is how i do mine and they are fine. I move from hyrdro inside for a month then harden to outside permanently. Will put some pics up in my Cali Feb to May grow thread today.