Transplanting my autos


Active Member

I didn't know that it's not ok to transplant the autos. I started in a peat cup and after 3-4 days when I saw a little root sticking out I transplanted them into a 1 gallon pot 3 days ago. My question is, should I put them now into some 5 gallon pots now, before they spread their roots to avoit later shock?


Well-Known Member
fo sho. just make sure all the potting soil is equally mixed so you don't have airy soil in some spots and dense in others; this will screw things up and keep the root ball small


Active Member
Well I will use the same soil. I will water it. But I was thinking if I move them now it will have time to settle. How mutch root will the seedling grow? I repoted it 4-5 days ago. Did it grow more than 25 cm?


Well-Known Member
Might as well just go ahead to the 5 gallon just water the one gallon first and expect the ball of soil to fall apart during the transplant as there won't be enough roots to hold it together. I do first 7-10 days in 12oz cupsand then go to 5 gallons and I get at least an o every time.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
if the auto has a good root system there should be no problem when transplanting. GL


Active Member
Well I moved them. No roots on the bottom. I mannaged to keep the soil in one piece. I had the temp build up a bit to 28-29 C and they started to curl up. I home they will do well after geting it down to 25-26 C.


Well-Known Member
Auto's are not anymore prone to transplant shock than photoperiods. If the plant is watered and put in same temp soil with same soil it shouldnt be a problem. I have never had transplant shock on anything except hydro to dirt conversions and even then that usually goes pretty smooth