Transplanting outdoor grown plants back inside


Active Member
So me and my roommate have a nice setup inside.... We have a very enclosed lil hut the size of 6 and a half feet tall and about 3.5 wide and about 5 feet long

We were able to get some plants from a neighbor that was growing a bunch of plants all in one pot outdoors...they were kinda scrappy looking but w.e we just wanted to start our new grow

Me and my buddy have grown before but we were wondering if some vets had some tips and pointers for transplanting outdoors to indoors and how to fix some shitty plants

Here is our setup
- One 400W HPS with a reflector hood raised about 6 feet from the ground
-Basic soil with peet from home depot
-We bought some transplanting nutes that is high in phosphorous
-We have three pots set up with three toddlers
-One of them has a broken stalk that we tried to mend together via a pencil and twisty ties

Just some advice and feedback would be great....maybe in a few days I can get a few camera shots for you guys


Well-Known Member
I'm not a 'vet' but will give it a crack.

Firstly some pics would help to fully identify whats wrong with them?

Otherwise just stick em in some soil get your light on the go and let at it.

You could get some superthrive and root juice to help the roots and general health of the plant if ya wanted.

I know plants being put outside need to acclimatised first but not sure about the reverse. I guess it might be the same.