Trimming and Terpenoids


Just wondering what too much trimming might be? Check my Pictures. I also just learned some new things I wanted to share.

Terpenes are a class of hydrocarbons. They play a part in many plants and herbs and are what give them there distinct aromatic qualities. They contribute to the scent of basil, thyme, rosemary, cinnamon, clove, citrus and what we're all here for... Cannabis. Most ppl don't know that cannabinoids(like THC) are odorless. The main Teroenoids are:
Myrcene; monoterpene, is actually one of the major constituents of the essential oil of cannabis ( it represents up to 60% of the cannabis flower essential oil in some varieties tested. It's been proven to have analgesic, sedative and muscle relaxant effects.
d-Limonene; Has been proven to have anti-depressant properties
Caryophyllene; Has anti-inflammatory properties. Has been found in other herbs land spices like black pepper, oregano and cinnamon.
Pinene; gas anti-inflammatory and bronchodilatatory properties.
Terpenoids are produced in the same resin glands (called tricomes) that produce cannabinoids like THC, CBD and CBG. When tricomes develop, especially in the hairs, the medically important cannabinoids and associated terpenoids appear.
Thanks too Mr. Nice for sharing this info with me.

