Tub Grow: 3.5 sqr. ft., CFLs, Bagseed


Active Member
Day 1 [5/30]:

Seed Germination

  • Four bagseeds, likely heavy indica, were soaked in pure 3% hydrogen peroxide for around 24 hours.
One seed looked like it was about to have its radicle emerge. I have a feeling I could fully germinate in the hydrogen peroxide, skipping the following steps using a moist paper towel.
Day 2 [5/31]:

Seed Germination [Morning]

  • The seeds were removed, wrapped in a paper towel moist with the hydrogen peroxide, and placed in an unclosed ziplock bag.
  • The ziplock bag was placed in a (very warm) attic.
Seed Germination [Afternoon]

  • After about six hours, the seeds were checked. One seed had an exposed radicle. The remaining showed no signs of progress.
  • The three undeveloped seeds were cut slightly with a knife along the seem and the tip where the radicle will emerge.
  • All seeds were re-wrapped and placed back in the ziplock bag in the attic.
Seed Germination [Night]

  • Another six hours or so passed. All had visible radicles. I chose to return them to their paper towel/ziplock bag in the attic for the night. They probably could have been planted immediately.
Soil Preparation

  • I prepared my grow mix:

  1. 1/3 Vermiculite
  2. 1/3 Perlite
  3. 1/3 Compost
I generally use compost comprised of Black Kow Mushroom and Black Kow Manure.
  • I combined all ingredients along with enough water to make the mix very moist, but not necessarily "wet" and definitely not "muddy".
Tap water was used. I don't have a pH meter, either.
Container Preparation:

  • I've got four containers. Each measure about 3.5 inches tall, 4 inches in width and have a volume of one pint.
  • A small bit of the grow mix was taken at a time, and lightly tossed into the container until 250g of grow mix was added per container. This was to try to keep the mix as light and airy as possible.
Day 3 [6/1]:

Seed Planting [Morning]

  • All four seeds have nicely exposed radicles at this point. See attached image "redeemer-20080601095011.jpg"
  • Each seed was gently placed in a small indention made in the grow mix of each container, then covered with a light bit of the grow mix.
  • Sprayed with a spray bottle, 15 ml of water was applied to each.
  • Plants were placed under Two 26w/1600 lumen/6500K lights

  • Current Temperature: 27.2 C
  • Current Humidity: 56%
Day 4 [6/2]:


  • 6 ml of water per plant was sprayed from the water bottle to keep the developing infant seedlings moist

  • 10 ml of water per plant was sprayed again.

  • The attached image "redeemer-20080602192104.jpg" is seed #1, the one with the early radicle, working hard at growing.

Day 5 [6/3]:


  • 20 ml of water was sprayed on each plant
  • I measured each container. The original weight one day 2 was 267g (250g grow mix plus 17g for the container itself). Then I sat each container in fresh water for around 30 seconds to allow the soil to soak up the water it needed. Additional water will then drain back out over the next minute or two.
Remember, I am keeping the top moist by using a spray bottle. I don't want to dump a lot of water in from the top during watering. This makes the upper most layer immediately muddy, compresses the grow mix and causes the perlite to float to the top.

Watering from the top daily via a spray bottle and watering from the bottom periodically by soaking provides sufficient water without these negatives. I'll only worry about this during the early seedling stages, before the roots have a chance to develop better.
  • Before and After weight:

  1. 233g -> 273g (40g water added)
  2. 211g -> 263g (52g water added)
  3. 199g -> 240g (41g water added)
  4. 219g -> 261g (52g water added)
  • Environment over last few days:
    • Temperature Range [19.1 - 29.5] C
    • Humidity [40 - 77] %

  • The seedlings are all just beginning to emerge. Tomorrow they should have their cotyledons extended. Expect new photos then.
  • 5 ml of water was sprayed on each seedling.


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