Two weeks into first grow, doing well! thoughts and comments!


Well-Known Member
14 days into my first grow operation, its going pretty smooth so far, a little bit behind in size due to the small pots i started them in, but have seen rapid increase in growth since i transplanted them all to two gallon pots. what do you think of the set up? here are some photos, im running a 600 watt hps, with a couple of CFLs down lower also since the plants are still a bit young for my hps to be much closer than it is. Their is 9 plants in total, 4 caramelicious, then the other 5 are unknown. I also have a couple still in small cardboard pots that were just bag seed an I germed, but i dont have room so i might just end up throwin them outside somewhere an keepin an eye on them.

