Tyent water purifier

Ok, I have at my disposal a Tyent Model # 7070 Turbo. It purifies water and or add's alkiline to the water, it's at my Dr.'s office and I can use it when ever i want. It costs $2500.00, I was wondering what would be the best kind of water for my plants? You could break it down or add things what would be a good thing to have on it? I heard Alkiline is supposed to be awesome for people and Plants, but I wanted to ask people on here that had experiance what I should do? I have this awesome machine that can purify the water to such a degree that there is only one other machine like it in the world! So could someone plz tell me whatci should do or use for my plants? Thanks


Active Member
Ok, I have at my disposal a Tyent Model # 7070 Turbo. It purifies water and or add's alkiline to the water, it's at my Dr.'s office and I can use it when ever i want. It costs $2500.00, I was wondering what would be the best kind of water for my plants? You could break it down or add things what would be a good thing to have on it? I heard Alkiline is supposed to be awesome for people and Plants, but I wanted to ask people on here that had experiance what I should do? I have this awesome machine that can purify the water to such a degree that there is only one other machine like it in the world! So could someone plz tell me whatci should do or use for my plants? Thanks
Purifying the water gives it a neutral PH (7.0) which is the optimum PH for a soil grow. If its hydroponics, you want it to be between 5.5-6.5 (the optimum would be somewhere in the middle). If your using hydroponic nutrients these should automatically change the PH of the water so you want to get a PH test kit and some ph up and down. I always prefer to use purified water though I think nutrients always react better to it. I dont think you needed to buy a machine that cost that much though, I'd sell it and spend the money on lighting and other more important equipment. It's up to you though man it might be interesting to see what effect it has on your plants. bongsmilie
I do electrical work on the side and my Dr. just bought this machine to clean water or whatever not me.Lol My chiropractir does this maxamixed living thing and only puts the purest things in his body so he bought this machine for himself and patients have to pay per bottle. I just thought that if I were to make the water a certain way it would help my grow.? I know that in the directions it says that it makes plants grow faster and keeps them alot healthier. I just can't figure out which type of water does that. That's why I'm askin, if plants could have the water be perfect or better what does it have to have in it besides the PH?


Active Member
I do electrical work on the side and my Dr. just bought this machine to clean water or whatever not me.Lol My chiropractir does this maxamixed living thing and only puts the purest things in his body so he bought this machine for himself and patients have to pay per bottle. I just thought that if I were to make the water a certain way it would help my grow.? I know that in the directions it says that it makes plants grow faster and keeps them alot healthier. I just can't figure out which type of water does that. That's why I'm askin, if plants could have the water be perfect or better what does it have to have in it besides the PH?
Nutrients lol:

Primary nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium.

Secondary nutrients: Calcium, Sulphur and Magnesium

Trace nutrients: boron, copper, molybenum, zink, iron, and manganese

The more neutral (or distilled) the water is the easier you can control the nutrient content of your water by adding them accordingly.
It might work out cheaper to just buy a cheap water purifier instead of buying them in individual bottles. Its up to you though, if using that water makes the grow feel more rewarding then why not.
Look I'm a complete Nu-b, I admit it, I was having a prob with my PH levels at the begining. I went to the chiropracter and he told me about the water machine and some of the things it did. To be honest I thought of my plants right away, lol, and remembered the
PH problem. So I asked the Dr. If the water was good for plants and he said that it was very good for them. That's all, and since I'm new to this growing stuff, I thought that I would ask you guys. I figured you guys might now if this water could help me or not?