UK Outdoor Grow 2013

WP_000629.jpgWP_000630.jpgHi all, my plants have just started to pre flower in the last few weeks and after all the months I have seen the signs of them being ladies (hooray). The plants are small do to growing restrictions and neighbours. But one of the plants (close up picture) is showing a slight bit of discolouration in the leaves (lighter green). I have some flowering fert coming soon and before I start to dose them (weaker solution to start) I was wondering if anyone could see any issues with these plants. Summer has been slow in the UK so I moved them into a temp greenhouse to help speed things up and if you guys and girls have any tips then I would be really grateful.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Welcome. Your going to want to hit those things with some vegg nutes Or N pre going into flowering and get them stocked up on it then go to your flowering Nutes, unless your flowering nutes have a fair amount of N in them.
Hey dude, thanks for replying so quick to this. I haven't really fed them too much at all. I currently only have some basic organic 5-5-5, I am guessing this is too week?
Any one else reading this I would appreciate advice.

I think I may have a N deficiency and a slight pest problem outdoors. The pest problem I can cope with (mixed up some garlic and onions with water...seems to be working well).

I wanted to ask if PH Soil testers are any good. I don't want to spend loads, could I use litmus paper instead?

Currently I am starving the plants until I get a ph tester for the soil. I read that Dolomite Lime even out the ph! Has anyone used this before or would any like to share their knowledge.

I have attached some images. I don't know what strain as someone gave me the seeds...but hey if I can get some bud then I'm happy.


