unable to diagnose


A little concerned about a couple of my plants... is heat stress or over/under watering causing the leaves to droop and the edges to be brown/yellow along with some blotches?
A few days ago the soil was very dry so i may have over watered a bit... i dont know if they are still recovering from lack of water or are they drooping because they have too much water? also, the cfls are about 2-5 inches away from these sprouts. the larger ones are a bit closer to the lights.



Active Member
Cannabis likes wet/dry cycles, so a day's dryness we won't have hurt too much providing you have good humidity.

The cfl's shouldn't have caused too much heat stress, what temp is your growing area?

The yellowing could be the plant extracting goodness from the leaves while the roots grew enough to support.

I would leave it a couple of days, then feed with Rhizatonic and some 1/4 strength nutes