underwatered last couple weeks in flower.


Active Member
Whats up RIU!
I have a plant that is in it's last week (maybe could go another) and it dired out because it went an extra day without water.... usually I water every 3 days but the 4th day I watered. The plant definitely looked underwatered when I saw it. The leaves were drooping and the buds were feeling softer and not as dank. I added water and the next day the buds felt cripsy but back to dankness but a crispy dank. The mini bud leaves were cripsy and even crack and break away with some minor pressure. The bigger fan leaves never recovered. Does this mean the plant has died/finished? Or will it recover?
Sorry no pics. Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
take a picture of your bud. it may be ready for harvest, or you missed your harvest window and its over ripe.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you dried it out and damaged the tissue. MIght take a few days to really see how badly they were damaged. What I would do is remove dead dried leaves and finish the plant out. I'm assuming the crispy parts are browning/yellowing more every day. May have to harvest a little early to avoid yellow buds or having to trim out all the yellow leaves in the buds.


Well-Known Member
To me it sounds like it needs to be harvested because the plant is dead or dying. I've never seen the bud leaves crispy on a plant that was only a day late on watering.

This is just my opinion, everything is speculation without pictures.