Using 400 watt light....


Active Member
I am using a 400 watt light and have a 4x4 foot grow tent setup.What is the most plants that you think I could grow ,with the most effeciency and best yield,Thanks


Active Member
I am running a 400 watt in a 4x5 closet flowering 3 lil ladies, two of them are in three gallon pots and one of them is in a five gallon.
As far as the room and light, I feel that i could get more plants in the room with those pot sizes. I also feel that if i were to grow more plants i would need a 600watter.
but that's just how it goes i guess. It's all up too you.


Active Member
I run a 400w in a 4x4 tent. Usually 3-4 plants in 5gal pots with just enough room to fit a dehumidifier and very little to manuever around. But if you were to do autos of some sorts then 6 would be realistic


Well-Known Member
yeah wouldnt do anymore then 4 unless ur doing scrog or sog.

i got 4 topped and LSTed ladies under my 400w cmh and 3 lil clones im putting straight into flower in a 4x2.

the amount of plants really doesnt have anything to do with your yeild. its all in the amount of light and strain. if you want more variety then do more small plants. if u dont care then u can do one giant plant or just 2 smaller ones.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i use a 400w and i don't like more than 4 in there. i only do it if i completly run out of space for vegging. when there's more than 4 they can't be spaced the way i like and one of them always gets shafted. right now i only have 3 in there in 3 gallon pots, and i find it ideal. 1 natural, 2 topped. i didn't lst any this time. won't make that mistake again...