Using liquid nukes in soil and growing in 5Gallon buckets.


New Member
I got 2 plants in separate 5gallon buckets.I drilled Holes around the bottom and in the bottom.I even drilled some around the top so wAter didn’t sit in there.2 things I didn’t do I wish I’d done is put some rocks in bottom and mix air rated dirt in my soil.It does have a mixture with potting soil that was a little light.My issue is how do I know when to nuke and when to just use plain water and I’m also struggling to figure out how to keep it watered without drowning it.My meter 6 inches down will say dry but very bottom is still wet.Should I still water knowing the top half of bucket is dry
Feed, then water, so feed every other watering. If that’s a 2 prong meter, they are notoriously inaccurate. Wait until the pot gets “light”, before watering.
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That sounds right to me.I had one telling me to nuke it twice then water but the biggest feed back has been every other watering.I’m using fox farm nukes and so far they are looking good.Just fighting this heat
I found an old school scale.I got to dial it in Everytime but It weighs great.Also big enough for my buckets.Last time I weighed them they were 30plus wet and the other day they were like 22
That sounds right to me.I had one telling me to nuke it twice then water but the biggest feed back has been every other watering.I’m using fox farm nukes and so far they are looking good.Just fighting this heat
Something to watch with FF nute trio, those are chelated nutes, meaning they are bonded to a salt, which releases the nutrient for immediate absorption by the roots. Very good nutes, but some time around when you flip or stretch starts, you will want to flush the soil to remove the salts, which can build up and cause lockouts. Water once with three times the volume of the pot, then go back to feed/water.
Just made me think....I wonder whatever happened to all those 5g. camo buckets I use to own....haha.

Good luck with your grow, and welcome to RIU !
Something to watch with FF nute trio, those are chelated nutes, meaning they are bonded to a salt, which releases the nutrient for immediate absorption by the roots. Very good nutes, but some time around when you flip or stretch starts, you will want to flush the soil to remove the salts, which can build up and cause lockouts. Water once with three times the volume of the pot, then go back to feed/water.
Thanks for the info.The are ready to eat now tomorrow morning I’ll do just that and then go back to a normal feeding schedule
I never give straight water unless flushing, after seedling/clone stage. Due to advice from this page im gonna stop flushing except for ph/uptake issues. Have only had such issues after mixing up my waters for different plants or if i made the first feeding to strong.
Water until runoff (you see water come out the bottom of your pot)
Soil you need a big pot unless you plan to grow baby plants. Dirt has less actual rootzone capacity than say coco coir, peat, etc..
Coco is so much simpler- nearly impossible to over water if you have good drainage-
Coco/ perlite in fabric pots has given me great results. Feed every time. The plant only gets exactly what you give it.