Vaporizer Questions...

So, I am new into smoking and just got a vaporizer not too long ago. I got a BrothersVaporizer for $40 (crazy deal!). But anyway, my questions are:

1. The vaporizer came with a 2 feet tube (maybe vinyl?) and I was wanting to get a longer tube. What is the best tube (material) to use and does it matter how long it is (I wanted to get a 4 feet tube)?

2. What kinda grinder do you recommend and why? I was thinking about getting this one



Well-Known Member
That grinder is good, second go to a smoke shop and ask them, they will answer all ur questions and have all that you need :)
Right on. A friend told me that those grinders loses pieces of metal from the wire sticks and the weed ends up with pieces of metal. Anybody knows if that's true?