veg room setup help


hi guys, im in the process of building my veg and flower rooms in my attic, i have 2 triangular tent shaped rooms both measuring L=2m H=1.75m D= 1.5m, 1 for veg/cloning/mothers, and 1 for flowering, i have bought a 600w hps light and 16 pot wilma system to go in the flowering side, so that side is fine for now i dont need to worry too much, what im struggling with is how to go about building my veg room. basically my plan is too have my heated propagator, 2-3 mother plants (eventually) and also grow and veg my clones in this section upto flowering stage then swap them into flower room next door, i have purchased a 4ft 4 tube lightwave t5 which i think will do the job for all 3 of these different sized plants, i will raise propagator upto same size as others to keep them as close as possible to light. the mediums i plan to use for my flowering side are 3 or 4" rockwool cubes for the cuttings and clay pebbles for my 11L wilma pots, so would like to keep it the same for veg room from the mediums point of view, mothers will be in 18l pots with rockwool and clay pebbles, hopefully. but basically is this the way to go because i would like to make this an ebb and flow type system with drippers if possible, or is there easier more effective methods, also i have a dilemma of will the mother plants need a different strength feed to my cuttings as my cuttings will only be on 1/4 strength when they 1st go in so what is the best way to set the system up so i can have 1 tray doing all 3 different stage plants with possibly different strength nutes, ie, cuttings in propagator, clones vegging, and mothers vegging, its all just a little confusing which should be the best way to go and id rather get it right 1st time then mess about with it once theres actually plants and medium in it.

and if anyone can point out any nice trays which would do this job under the light i have id be very greatful.

think iv explained it well enough there if iv missed anything please let me know ill explain best i can with my limited knowledge!

all comments or help welcome


PS... if i keep my mother plants in 18L pots and in the tray use clay pebbles, will the root systems of these mothers start to take over the full tray, whats the best way to remedy this.


Well-Known Member
I cant help you with the hydro setup sorry I grow in soil. But reading your post id suggest another 4ft 4 bulb t5 for your veg. I also run a 4ft 4 bulb t5's in veg but one for 2 moms and just root clones in the side light. They dont need a ton of light to root. Then I veg my 5 plants at a time under another 4ft 4bulb in a dif tent.

Anymore then 5 decent size plants under your light will be a tight fit. With t5 you want your whole plant under the fixtures foot print.


this could start getting expensive, lol, anyway yeah thanks for that i thought it might be cramped a little, when you say decent sized plants how big are you talking just out of curiosity, i can add another t5 in a couple of months if need be but as for now i need to get my mother plants raised, once i either get cuttings from a friend or start from seed so theres no real rush at the moment for that as there wont be much in there when i 1st get it going, jumping ahead a little too as of now all i have for the veg room is the room itself and a few reservoirs so im open to any help

if anyone has any tips or things im doing wrong from my 1st post please do jump in, any help is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I veg in a 4x2x5ft tent and my light fills the tent perfectly. But I veg to 14-16" in 2.4gal air pots. They get a little cramped the last week of veg. ive vegged 5 plants to 30" under that same light in a 4x4 tent, but id rather not have the popcorn buds at the bottom of my plants.

I bloom under a 600w so I try not to grow huge monsters. They usually finish up around 30" tall when I flower in the 14-16" range. That will be dif from strain to strain of course.

It can and will most likely get expensive at first lol. I originally told my wife it would only cost $700 to get us started. God was I way off! I stoped keeping track of what ive spent on the hobby but after you get going you really only need to buy stuff like nutes, soil, bulbs, ect. Just keep researching and learn from your mistakes once you get going.


thanks mate, yeah still trying to take in as much as i can really, im just at a loss to find the right setup to go with for the veg side being a total noob, lol, im finding it hard to find any decent trays deep enough and big enough for what i need, aswell as a adding an ebb and flow system to it aswell, really not sure if this is even the way to go, or the correct medium of rockwool cubes and clay pebbles.

i did once buy an igs system i think it was and i grew 15 plants with it and they turned out good, but never had a veg room to keep the thing going, i grew them from seeds then vegged and flowered under the same hps light but im now looking into things abit more and trying to get it right 1st time, heres hoping i can, lol!


would 1 or 2 of these be adequate guys for my veg room if i made it an ebb and flow system going to my 200l reservoir underneath, i will be using clay pebbles and 3 or 4" rockwool cubes. in it i will have 2 motherplants, and potentially 20 clones (16 needed for wilma system) all the way from clones to getting ready to put in my flowering room, does this seem viable, my light at the moment is x1 4ft 4 tube lightwave t5, which i think will be getting added to 2 as my room is built.