vegging with flourecents cant decide what to flower with


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone had a couple questions on my setup. I am using two 24inch flourecents and a dual 48inch with plant lights , i was wandering what to flower my plants with when it is time . I would like a 400w hps but will this jack my electric bill and prduce alot of heat ? What is a good price to pay for the whole fixture and bulb? Here are a few pics of my grow box. The shitty lanky looking plant is a plant that i tranplanted from outside but i gave up on it and started some seeds that i got out of a decent bag of mid grade shit.



Well-Known Member
hey dude nice little set up to answer your question no a 400watt light wont mess with your electric bill i have 1000 watt light and its just fine im planning on gettin another thats 2000 watts so no a 400 watt light wont up your electric bill more then a few bucks and to answer your other question all lights produce some type of heat i dont care what type of light it is (exception of cool-tubes)yes a 400 watt light will produce some heat but nothin that a fan cant handle just get a nice rotating fan in there to get some air circulation i even have a fan rigged so that it blows cool air on the light to keep it cool


Well-Known Member
If you do get the 400 watt light get a switchable ballast so you can use a mh bulb for veg and the hps bulb for buds. My 400 watt light (really a 430) does not have the switchable ballast so I use a 400 watt mh conversion bulb. I can't find a 430 watt one. But the 400 works with eather ballast. I had some heat then I got a nice price blower and it's fine now. Pic's are in my grow journal.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I have a 400 watt similar to the one your showing only its convertable or whaterver, MH and HPS, I love it- heat increased in my 4x4x8 area by about 15 degree's but one small fan cools it by like 6 degrees- so its all good... I'd get a 400 for sure, nice lil setup too...


New Member
ebay is good BUT just watch out for shipping Make sure it is a confirmed price.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
dont buy it from ebay- just call the phone number listed on ebay- thats why they put it there, ebay charges them a user fee- so they have to up their shipping rates- if you order from phone- ebay doesnt know- its a lot quicker- its cheaper- and if you have ne grow questions they can answer them- obviously withhold some specifics (dont mention the ganja) but HTG rocks- I ordered that exact set on the phone, and asked some questions about cloning and ended up buying some cloning gel as well...


Well-Known Member
Sweet I will defenitly get the dual setup then but for now im going to grow these on the cfl's and do a comparo with the mh and hps setup . Next time i plan on ordering from the Doc , blueberry of course I cant wait:weed: :bigjoint:

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
keep your cfl's too and you can put them just above the soil line when you are flowering under the hps... Then you will have the hps above and the CFL's below the plants getting a full spectrum with light everywhere- they will love it- and your bottom buds will grow damn near as big as your top buds.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
YUP! thats the way it works best... I have heard of ppl who flower with MH but the science doesnt make sense. Use the HPS for flowering in conjunction with your CFL's and use the MH only for your veg- you dont need to combine mh and cfls for your veg state- they arent that bushy- add the cfls after 3 weeks of flowering when its getting so thick that the bottom leaves arent getting light.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of people trimming the lower branches off to get more light to the soil ,about how much stalk should u leave from the soil to the first branch?

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
some ppl when they repot bury up to the first leaves- it doesnt matter... you just gotta get it beyond the roots deep enough... And as far as trimming lower leaves- you only do that with the ones that dont have budsites on them- and i dont think its a good idea till your in the last 2 weeks of flowering nearly about to harvest- and only do it then because it makes your harvest easier- less leaves to cut- and at that point the leaves are all suffering from nitrogen deficiency anyway. But as for cutting them now- you could stress your plant and make it a hermy... Just use the CFL's when the time comes...