water and diatomaceous earth

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
been having a gnat problem, ordered some mosquito dunks, cause the local bigboxes don't carry them for some reason, and got some diatomaceous earth. the dunks are supposed to arrive today, and i plan on crumbling one up in some water and using it that way. after i water, with dunks or otherwise, do i need to reapply the diatomaceous earth? the water seems to disolve it, not sure if its still effective that way.


Well-Known Member
Yes u will need to reapply it, once DE gets wet, it no longer works and needs to be dry to be effective.

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
Do you grow in soil? Top dressing with neem cake will provide you with a better more long term fungus gnat deterrent. Along with slow release nitrogen, and a full slew of macro and micro nutrients (Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese). It's also a nitrification inhibitor, keeping nitrogen available in your soil longer by preventing it from turning into a gas as it breaks down.

You can also make a drench out of it to kill them. I'm pretty sure it's the main ingredient in azamax.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i have a small cool mist humidifier in my veg area, would it be a good idea to put some of the dunks water in it? or just throw a whole one in the reservoir and let it disolve on its own? i do find dead gnats in it, rinse them out and theres more next time, don't know if they get in there and die anyway, or if they're breeding in it

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
i have a small cool mist humidifier in my veg area, would it be a good idea to put some of the dunks water in it? or just throw a whole one in the reservoir and let it disolve on its own? i do find dead gnats in it, rinse them out and theres more next time, don't know if they get in there and die anyway, or if they're breeding in it
Im not sure about that, I've never had to add humidity to a room. I'm usually having to do the opposite. Azamax, gognats, or any of the rosemary oil based pest control bottles will help you. Water with em for about three weeks and you shouldn't see them anymore.