waterfarms 1.5 in rw seedling timer for drip


Well-Known Member
i am about to put a cheese seedling sprouting in rw into a waterfarm. I have never used a waterfarm. I am wondering if i should let it drip permently or should i time the water to drip for half on half off or some other timer cycle.

Please i could use any help. ty, reps for all.

I had a seeling in rw where i flooded the bucket for 15 min every 2 hours and everything went fine. I need to find a similiar moisture level. ty

Also i hope to keep 2 mothers in the waterfarm soemthing which I have seen done.


Well-Known Member
yeah until it is outa the cube in mass i will be nervous. It is 1.5 in rw surrounded by a whole waterfarm full of recycled tire mulch. Thats my quick dry hydro medium. Very nice i have found. I will try all suggestions and play it by ear. I have found that it is hard to overwater the little cube once the roots are out.

reps to all


Well-Known Member
I think you need to have some sort of a root system established to use the waterfarm don't you? Really that little? I leave mine on 24/7 seem to be doing fine.


Well-Known Member
i started every 2 hours for 15 min, now i switched to 24/0 water, and am watching closely for signs of iver water. Just put some hydrogaurd in there. Roots are sterting to show so i planted not wanting root damage. I think orseman or someone saifd that the little cubes should be wet all the time, like in the stealth hydro drip bubbler. It is the big cubes you gotta let drya little but NEVER all the way it says on the grodan web site. Also it says dont try a soil flush with ro, if you make a mistake just keep givin gthe amoun tof nutes and crap you want meant to give.


Well-Known Member
I mean as long as the roots have air then it's not a problem. I just transplant to the wf so it already has a significant root system when it goes in.


Well-Known Member
yeah i figured drying out was going to get it better growth, as in the longer i went between watering without ti going bone dry and dying the more oxygen i could get to the roots plus the oxygen in the drip water. So I went cab to 15 min every hour.

I waited to plant it in the waterfarm when roots started to show out the bottom, That is when you should plant into your system. Also grodan warns in bold to naver let the cube go completely dry.

This waterfarm thing is so cool. I want more. I might make some in 5 gallon bucket with their drip ring attacment and net pots. Use 2 rubbermaids for controllers or 5 gallons buckets on each other and get a float valve. Maybe hook upa pump to the last waterfarm and run it in to the upper res container, make it a recirculating drip/dwc. Then I can get my 1000 for some trees lol.