Weird Cloning Problem


I have been transplanting my clones at 10 days into solo cups full of a 75/25 ocean farms/perlite mixture. I put any un-wilted clone with the rooting cubes right into the solo cup without the dome on. It doesnt matter if roots are sticking out of the root cubes or not before they go into the solo cup. I have had success because it keeps me from messing with them (less equals more). Im not suggesting this is some break through method just that it works for me. (Backing up a little I use the common method starting my cuttings in rooting cubs under a dome with a heating mat set at 76 degrees then opening the slots on the top of the dome after 4 days.)

Well famous last words of every failed grow, I had to go on a trip for work, and I transplanted them into the solo cups at 6 days. I lost a few more clones but I expected as much.

The biggest problem is after 22 days I have no new growth, zero, on all remaining clones. Very strange. I massaged the soil out of two cups and sure enough I saw a couple of roots shot all the way to the bottom of each cup. I didn't see any side branching of the roots but I didn't want to break the root ball apart to check. I have seen this once before with a single clone that formed roots but never grew.

Is anyone familiar with this phenomenon? I am not an expert by any means but I usually have new growth by now.