what do yall think about this


Well-Known Member
I actually am in the process of building one of those. I have been in direct contact with my local hydro shop owner (who admitted that it is better to build your own deep water resevour as opposed to buying one), and when I looked at the picture of the set-up for sale I noticed a few problems. Also I work in a fish store so this will add a little to my credability.

The 10gal tote resevour is good. It is what I am using. Unless those are 4inch baskets, they look a little small for what you have in mind. The MAJOR PROBLEMS I see have to do with the air supply. One, A fish tank air pump is HORRIBLE for supplying the amount of air that the resevour needs to keep the roots healthy. You need to buy an actual hydro air pump (new $50, used $30). Two, the two little airstones in the picture arn't even enough for a fish tank, what we use them for is for decorative effects (putting them in ornaments). You need to buy a air diffuser meant for hydro. The reason is that aquarium stones (even in aquariums) clogg up in about one month, and even worse they do not diffuse air evenly, its usually one little spot on the stone. The appropriate air stones ($12) are made for hydro, don't clog, and last alot longer!

I'm not trying to piss on your parade, just want to give you a heads up before you shell out the $40. Other than the air supply the system is overall going to work. Good luck, keep us updated. :peace: