i joind to answer that . 1st i think ur saying that because u dont have the courage to call him a nigger in public , 2nd the man that wrote revelation also wrote john 1 , 2 and 3 in one of them he gives the definition , he says , the anti-christ ( he or she) claims to be christain but he does bad things . wwjd who would jesus bomb , who claims to be a man of peace and also a war president . john says there r many anti-christ big and small walking amoungst us at all times , a small anti-christ woud be a biggit , a big one would be a hitler or an andrew jackson ( genecide of native ppl ) bin ladin is a devil but not a anti-christ he doesn't claim to be christain . obama preaches hope if that turns out to be a lie then yes , we now have a man that fits that definition and all his followers have blinded themself from fact so they can follow ( remember they said he was smart for 1 example )