what happens if...


well its been three days so far and still nothing. so i decide to go out to water it when i get there the seed is sticking out of the soil so i decided to put it back in the soil and give some water did anything wrong happen??

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Yes. You shouldn't touch them at all while they're sprouting. The seed was probably attached to the leaves. Kinking the stem at this point will spell certain doom for the seedling.


Active Member
Sometimes the seed casing just gets stuck to the new leaves as they grow upwards towards the light. If it had been left it alone, the shell would have fallen off after a day or two =/

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
They are really delicate at this stage. Just concentrate on keeping them moist (not wet). Don't start feeding them anything until the first set of leaves (cotyledons) start to turn yellow. By that stage you should have two or three more sets of true leaves. This stops lockout and encourages the plant to send out roots to search for nutrients. I do treat seedlings with a weak mix of superthrive and Rhyzotonic (root stimulant) but I wouldn't give them any micro nutrients until the plant starts to ask for them.

What sort of soil are they in?
What sort of light are you using and how far is it away from the soil?
What are the temps like?
Is it humid? Are you using a dome?


well i stuck them in the soil with a pot its almost been a week and nothing has showed up :( i keep them outside where there's light almost all day. the temp is mostly humid around id say about 80 or more degrees a day and i water it twice a day afternoon and night


Active Member
well i stuck them in the soil with a pot its almost been a week and nothing has showed up :( i keep them outside where there's light almost all day. the temp is mostly humid around id say about 80 or more degrees a day and i water it twice a day afternoon and night
You should have germinated them in water first.
I let mine soak in water until they sprout and then plant them in soil face down.
Out door growing is how I do it, but I germinate mine, put them in pots and then put them outside.
It's just easier that way.