What is faster - reveg or cloning? - Pro plz


Active Member
If I have my big mother plants - what would get me faster to a flowerable plant -

cutting harvested plants 2/3 down and reveging [soil]
growing 2 weeks year old [under24/0] clones [soil]

anyone knows? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Clones are the hands down winner,you'll be waiting about 6 weeks for any decent clones to come from a reveg,when you 1st reveg all kinds of goofy shit happens,the 1st signs of vegatation are really strange & not worthy of a clone.


Active Member
Is the reveging always that poor?

and still don't understand which grows faster..
I would think the reveg - with the root system and all..

Any sexual problems with reveging?


Well-Known Member
No sex problems with reveg.
I don't understand the hate for reveg...
I harvested a plant but left some small leaves and branches.
I put it out on my porch facing East and went on a month trip.
When i came back it grew really nice and it was ready to flower.

I would use cloning though.
dip it in water and rooting agent.And put it in rockwool under a fluorescent or MH.
It is impossible to over water rockwool.
After about 2-3 weeks,you should see roots coming out of the rockwool and allot of growth.Put it into soil or in your hydro setup.
And your a month ahead of the game.

With reveging.
It's more convient when you only have 1 light.
Because right after harvest,you can just get it going again.
When cuting of the plant,leave a couple of branches with leaves.
Put it under an MH or fluors and keep it on for 24hr lighting.
The first 2 weeks,the plant will look pretty weird but after a month or so it will look very nice and bushy.
Treat it the same as a regular cannabis plant.
2weeks-1month vegging.
Whatever flowering time the strain requires.

Good luck!


hey could i get some help with this revegging thing....

basically i am germinating at the moment and when i am flowering and getting buds growing i was wondering if i could pull a few buds off and was wondering would these buds regrow.. and carry on to grow...


Well-Known Member
hmm -- revegging would be putting a plant in flowering cycle back in a veg cycle.

when you cut the buds off of a plant in flower, and put them in veg...thats just cloning, right? not revegging AND cloning...

but either way -- it takes a little bit longer for clones from a flowering plant to veg than clones from a vegging plant -- but they are all eventually the same. i've read that the buds from lower on the flowering plant have more of the root-growing properties of the plant.

i always clone the 'worthless' bottoms off of my flowering plants -- free shit :)


Well-Known Member
Reveg usually does waste a shitload of time, only do it if you have big suckers and already have other crops to flower while they reveg or if you have a nice sized perpetual. Ea strain you grow will be different in how long it takes and how you'd need to work out your schedule so you are sitting around twiddling your thumbs waiting for normal growth.

Unless you have giant trees in soil I'd just suggest you always use clones.

I'm not even sure if I'll bother revegging these and I have a lot of time invested in them as you can see.



basically i germinated in paper towels and then planteed it into a pot.. and then i had maggots within 2days and then left it like that for a day or 2.. and then i took the plant out off the pot and put it into clean soil in a glass... and the too leave that come out during seedling stage look bruned what shall i do ?


Well-Known Member
i'm trying a reveg for the 1st time - here's what i'm seeing
by day 10 1st fresh leaves/branches have appeared - at day 13 the new branches are about 2 inches tall
i wouldn't be surprised if some strains do better in reveg than others


Well-Known Member
my bubble gum that I revegged looks awesome and has really tight internodes. perfect for cloning I harvested 3 BGs and then revegged them with really good nutes then I let them go hog wild I wont ever let them bud again they will just be mothers

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Im revegging a sativa Opium pheno now and its been two weeks and I have five shoots of new growth and will clone as soon as it gets rid of the funky growth.Im thinking of regrowing it but dont have room at the present time


Well-Known Member
I'm revegin to get clones from it. Didn't think to before. Just put it under 24/0 and added veg nutes. Hope it dont take too long.