Are you sure? Cus it's also on the net pot a little bit like a mold or something, idk if you can tell from the pic but if you look close it's on the black plastic. After posting this I got freaked out and ran my finger across it and it came off easily, which makes me even more worried!
could be fungus gnat lavae but man, get a better photo. Also I think i can see a torn leaf floating in your reservoir, recipe for disaster right there.
could be fungus gnat lavae but man, get a better photo. Also I think i can see a torn leaf floating in your reservoir, recipe for disaster right there.
Yea I was worried it may be some kind of larvae so I released 50 ladybugs in the tent they seem to be happy so they must be eating something, a bunch were fucking yesterday so hopefully their larvae eat some stuff too! Theres actually a couple ladybugs in the actual reservoir idk if they're gonna last in there but well see. But na it's not a leaf just reflection on the water sorry my camera sucks that was the vest pic I could get