What should I do???


Ok so I won some lemon skunk seeds in a competition a while back and they were just sitting in my draw, so I decided to grow one just for fun :) I was expecting to get rid of it before flowering. I just went across the road bought a 6" pot and some compost and planted it, using my 11w CFL desklamp as light. This was about 2 weeks ago. Since then I've decided to do a full on grow when I get home from uni (1st Jun). I bought some equipment in preparation and now my 2 week old plant (sprouted day after 4/20) is sitting under an 85w CFL.

When I get home on the 1st june I will have 4 months exactly until I have to go back to uni. The question is should I keep growing this plant and take it home in a month for flowering, or should I start fresh when I get back, I have 5 more seeds.

I have just used compost, shitty tap water (tastes foul to drink), no nutes, and an 11w CFL for the first 8-9 days. Will my plant reach its potential?? The first 2 leaves are slightly wrinkled and have a tiny brown spot on them each.

Any advice appreciated :)

2012-04-30 13.15.44.jpg


Active Member
The plant will get pretty big in that time and moving it will be unpractical, I think you could pull off a full grow in 4months. I'd wait untill you are home amigo. You will want more CFLs I think, at least double what you got.


Well-Known Member
would suggest a 250w hid atleast u will be really happy and can grow 2 plants at a time :) or if u want 4 plants get 400w hid :)


Well-Known Member
long story short. yes it will grow. it will not grow good though.

you should just wait till you get home and do a small outdoor grow, i large container outside and you will be fine. by the time you get ready to come home june 1st that plant will be pretty good sized or really tall and unhealthy due to lack of light.


Well-Known Member
gotta get better lights you already know this hows the plant
looking a little sick like it the wrong dirt to small of a pot
something ain't right~