what to do with this small budded plant?


Well-Known Member
yeah its a northern lights auto flowering strain, got it outside, and its budded, the other ones havent.
what should i do with it? let it grow more, Cut &Dry it, put it under a light?
2012-04-10 15.30.14.jpg2012-04-10 15.30.26.jpg


Well-Known Member
let it go. why would you even think of cutting and drying? you are trying to grow weed right?
go online and see what a "budded" plant looks like. it will get waaaaaaaay bigger.


Well-Known Member
yeah i got other ones, and was thinking that they might start to flower with this one. Na its not ready yet, so ill just leave it alone for abit :D cheers


Active Member
awe thats what I like to call a little winner. grow her out and maybe she will give you a fat ass blunt!


Active Member
lol cut and dry her? no bro i needs like another month. and ull be smoking a bowl. :bigjoint: <<not tht much but itll be something if u wait. looks healthy. how bout some pics of the others?


Well-Known Member
2012-04-10 23.49.19.jpg Here is the other 2 :D ones doing heaps well, and still in veg, Doing some LST on it to get in as close to the light as possible, i need a small fan or something, but yeah bringing them out in the sun during the day


Active Member
what kinda soil is tht. doesnt look like ur plants are getting any air too there roots..or proper drainage on the one in the front..u need perlite in tht mix bro. other than tht looks green and healthy. good job


Well-Known Member
Yeah the soil is a water saving one :S so it holds lots of water which i think is bad, i might have to try and mix it with some sand or something


Active Member
ya tht is bad..lol obviously its working prob why they grow so slow..cannabis roots love oxygen..get perlite. its like little white rock things u can get it at homedepot or a hydro store...1/3 perlite...gotta watch for root rot with tht soil :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ya tht is bad..lol obviously its working prob why they grow so slow..cannabis roots love oxygen..get perlite. its like little white rock things u can get it at homedepot or a hydro store...1/3 perlite...gotta watch for root rot with tht soil :leaf:
+rep for pointing that out

i think the same thing as he does. your soil looks like mine did and i added perlite in it. i use lamberts from home depot. i get soil and perlite both from there.


Well-Known Member
Fuck that, just had a bunch of blueberry pull this on me. They started flipping at a 3 inch height b/c I grew from seed on 12 hours of light. And speaking of which, don't let anyone here tell you 12/12 from seed is good for every strain, it is not.

So, rather than wasting time and space I took all 3 and upped lighting to 18 hours..took 2 weeks to flip back into veg.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i only really wanted to grow 1 under a 65w CFL so heaps happy i got 3 out of 3 seeds, They are northern lights Auto
I only water it like once a week and use a spray bottle to help with the humidity, i keep weighing the pot to check its not heavy from water, and i have punchered extra drainage holes in the side of the pot to help. But yeah ill get and change the soil 2morra :O


Active Member
well 12/12 is the natural cycle. any plant can grow under 12/12 it has no choice outside, cud have been other problem with ur grow not just the 12 hrs dark