what to use for organic pestacides from home?


New Member
ive read jorge cervantez book and he says cinnimon and some kind of chillin. im thinking of boiling cinnamon cayanne and garlic with maybe a little soap added. what do you guys think? and if you have any better recipes for pesticide id love to hear them. my bug problem is spiders. spider mites .and cattapillers.. and is outdoor.







http://www.amazon.com/Monterey-Spinosad-Organic-Garden-Insect/product-reviews/B000BWY3OQ/ref=sr_1_11_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1(everyone could use some spinosad in their lineup.)(also Dr bronners peppermint and lavender soaps are a must have)


http://www.planetnatural.com/product-category/organic-gardening/natural-pest-control/(awesome site for info!)

One of the first things you need to do if you haven't is go to neemresource.com... it's the top vendor with the purest neem and lowest wholesale prices, pick up neem/karanja cake/oils, these are the building blocks for pest prevention in organics, most guys seem to be having success with weekly preventative sprays of neem or karanja mixed with different versions of silica, aloe, soap, ect..

Here is a recent good one I got from a pak from grass: http://forum.grasscity.com/organic-grow-journals/1285821-pakalolos-organics-win.html/page-19#entry20012742, he does on to explain the order in which is goes at it and everything, very informative!,

Your welcome, cheers.


cayenne works too, but what you really want is habanero, I did a habanero and garlic decoction yesterday and I' about to hit em up today as I saw a nice number of them yesterday and it's way too early in bloom. And I see you're outdoor, I believe most outdoor users all carry spinsosad in their lineup, it's essential.


New Member
so what isthe ratios to water you make your garlic chili spray?? and does it work well?
cayenne works too, but what you really want is habanero, I did a habanerdeo and garlic decoction yesterday and I' about to hit em up today as I saw a nice number of them yesterday and it's way too early in bloom. And I see you're outdoor, I believe most outdoor users all carry spinsosad in their lineup, it's essential.


Well-Known Member
I use habenero pepper water for spidermites.
Its harsh, wear a mask and gloves and glasses...
Just find red habs and mince them and the seeds, the seeds are super spicy. Then take one gallon and but about 10-15 minced habs in the water and add some fresh minced garlic for added effect, you can also add a strong mint like pepper mint or spearmint. You can add cloves and rosemary and teatree oil.
Look up plants that repel insects and go find them, mince them, add to water, let sit for 24-72 hrs, strain into a spray bottle and spray, coat the surfaces of the leaves very well, you can add a bit of soap to help it stick. Dont forget to respray a few days later and then make a routine of it throughout the grow.
I personally like neem, its easy and works great!
Good luck