What type of skunk is that?


Well-Known Member
hey all ...
how ya doin??

i just started my first grow, 9 days ago ..i got the seeds from the UK and ive been told that its a skunk...and it was so sick when they smoked it they couldnt drive the car so they headed back home :P....

i know it's early to know ..but was wondring thats all

any tips..i'l be thankful ;)



Well-Known Member
skunk just means its an indica, or the high will have indica-like qualities. and theres like a billion indica strains, which nobody can tell apart until the final weeks of flowering. i could be wrong tho


Well-Known Member
Its green skunk.
small green skunk.
young, small, green skunk.
premature, young, green skunk.
Still in veg, premature, young, small, green skunk.

(sorry. silly mood today)