Whats the best to use when in flower

I’ve heard blood meal is good for phosphorus. First time grower. Haven’t experimented with dry amendments yet. Next run
Bone meal takes a long time to break down so not a great source while already in flowering. Blood meal is all nitrogen and quick release so not good either.

I don't do organics so not sure what would work in the time frame you have.

Research might help.

I’ve used both before pre mixed into my supersoil outdoors and my plants became monsters with that stuff, anything organic for amendments, I’ve never seen bigger plants in my life outside fuck liquid nutes outdoors boys organic all day
Get high phospherus bat guano I think it’s like 10-32- an something, amend it/kinda work it into the top few inches of soil make sure u don’t put any near ur base stock of the plant, it will do wonders for u I wouldn’t bother with the meal like buddy said if it’s high in nitrogen, unless u wanna add an 1/8-1/10 dose of it in wit ur guano dude, if it’s high in nitrogen ur plants won’t yellow out good at the end an shit, I donno . The way I grow , my plants yellow out big time near the end but that’s what I want. Also , I’m using advanced nutes micro grow bloom wit voodoo juice n big bud this run but I got almost 15 yrs in growing. I highly reccomend the high phospherus version of bat-guano though if u amend 3/4 of the desired serving in ur soil the 2nd week of bloom it should work the same as any “big bud” supplement , If ur water is PHed n ur using a good medium
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Ok, so I just read it. Blood meal 12-0 bone meal 6-9 .. so 18-9 mixed together it’s twice as high in nitro , a very good combo to amend into ur top half of ur supersoil mix if ur going organic from day 1, then u mix the bat guano n kelp or whatever on the bottom half for when ur plants flower, or wait and amend it in probly but mix all ur soil light with blood and medium to heavily with bone.. there’s plenty of ways to do it Just make sure u have a 1 gallon spot for ur transplant or seedling of regular no fertilizer soil, so ur babies can grow into ur “hotter” medium. If u have only 1 choice rn I would amend a full dose of the bone meal and don’t give it any blood meal at all cuz u will probly hermy ur plant with all the nitrogen in flower.
What's the best to use during flower blood meal or bone mean I'm kinda nervous putting it in my plants plz help
Use either one or both at once but it works best when you properly amend the soil long before you ever put in plants. Most organic soil amendments work like this; they need time to be cooked in and ph normalized. Can’t dump it on and expect it to feed the plants right away like a soluble nutrient; must be broken down first in order to become available for absorbtion. Honestly if this is a previously unamended soil mix I would try to go with something like a slow release composted manure; I use chicken manure like Charlie’s compost brand. Good for all stages of growth; just throw a handful in the bottom layer at transplants.
Amend the soil with the blood/bone meal and mineral inputs after each harvest; learn about recycling soil. The idea is to put everything they need in the container for the full length of the cycle; then all you gotta do is water them.
Alternatively you can make a “spike.” It’s just a finger hole in the soil filled with blood/bone/feather meal or what have you. The root system will sort of coalesce around it if you put the spike in before the roots reach the edge of the pot at transplant. Or you could just buy them like I do; I use Jobes ap organic spikes. Good for bloom & they feed for 8 weeks; I put two in each 10g container. Again it takes a week or two before they begin to decompose and actually feed the plants. Thing is you need an active mix in order the sustain the plants with dry fertilizers and that means you also should have added a form(s) of compost. An active mix is almost more important than npk inputs.