Whats up everyone


Hey Kids,

I'm roorhead. I'm a marijuana enthusiast from the Florida area. :weed:
I'm hoping to start growing my own personal supply shortly, so hopefully I can pick up some good tips from the vets around here.

I'll be back on later roor in lap for sure!

<3 roorhead


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU roorhead

im sure youll find a wealth of information here. the faq will answer all of your questions and more, check it out sometime

do you have any specific questions i can help you with?


I was mainly curious about "the mans" infrared techniques. I hear helicopters at night a lot, so I'm not sure if they're doing flyby's. My town has a lot of grow houses hit (from what I hear anyway). I just want to grow for myself so I don't have to budget to smoke anymore. I mean... It would only be MAX 250watt hps, and 4 plants in a grow box.