when buying seeds

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
if you are growing at your house do you use a friends house to ship them to? that you trust alot
or do you ship them to a po box or someother method or straight to your house?


Well-Known Member
i give my girl cash and use my girlfriends credit card and send seeds to her house..nothing gets sent to my home

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha awesome two different answers
corso i would do that but i live with my girl
and i got a buddy but if he knew i feel like he would just wanna see it everyday and shit and i dont control his mouth


Well-Known Member
everything gets shipped my my PO Box or directly to my door. i have been growing for almost 10 years Indoor..... never been caught.

the Hydro shop or seed company isn't going to report you, think about it. and if they want your business to keep coming back they dont want you to be busted.........

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
alright cool does it come in a box? or in a envelope? i wanna get it shipped to an apt but boxes go threw the office and they right down names and everything


Well-Known Member
thats why i order from places like vancouverseedbank.

the name on the box is VSB.... you can say its ANYTHING. Micro-electronics is always my excuse... the lady's behind the post office counter thing they are a computer company LMFAO.


Active Member
yea everything comes to my house but i order a lot of things from amazon i.e nutes and random things i dont wanna drive 2 hours away to go to my hydro store to pick up a 8oz bottle of superthrive lol. but im medical so i dont worry much, i still use the stealth shipping option when ordering seeds just because what i am doing is my business and nobody elses only a select few of my patients know about it because the care for the plants if i have to leave for a few days.