when should i put in bigger pot?


Well-Known Member
I am also a noob but for me I would say when it looks like its too big for the pot.


When you can see little roots through the holes on the bottom side of the pot.


Active Member
Newbie here too. I can tell you this...I have mine in 5 inch peat pots. I'm keeping them in there until they are almost rootbound...they are much easier to move around in the small pots and since they are peat pots...I don't have to worry about transplant shock too much. Looks like yours is in a peat pot too?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
you need to move it when roots have no place to grow. usually you would repot when the roots can bind the soil.
the faster you repot - the better.
if roots have alot of free space and doesn't bash into nothing the plant will grow much faster. but usually free space is an issue as well.


yea they are in peat pots but im thinking of putting it in a little bigger pot cause it wont stand up on its own so i need to get the stalk stronger


Active Member
The rule of thumb is 1 gallon of pot for each foot of vertical growth of the main stem(s).


Well-Known Member
It depends on how long you plan on having the plant alive.

For a short week long veg and 8 week flower you can go the whole way in a gal pot/bag, but if you plan on vegging for any length of time you risk the plant becoming rootbound or potbound.

Any transplant into a larger pot sould be at least three times bigger than the original. If the plant is to survive it must be able to spread its roots toward rich soil.