when two water


hey guys i really need ur help on this one im growin one plant next week "first grow" :bigjoint: so how often do i water and how much i no about the ph stuff but i never thought of this dose it matter? once a day? poor it in spray it how do i do this


Well-Known Member
Ph balance your water to about 6.0 and water when the soil is almost dry to the bottom and the pot is feeling pretty lightweight. If you water everyday your plants roots will rot and the plant will die very quickly.


Well-Known Member
When I grow from seed I start by misting the soil a couple times a day for about a week then once the plant starts growing I mist with about 10 spritz's into the cup (Started in plastic cups) about twice a day. Pretty much just judge for yourself if the soil doesnt look moist make it moist.
Once you transplant to a big pot just pour enough in to wet the soil.

If you water it heavily be sure not to water it again for at least 2 days.

You'll know they get enough oxygen in the roots if when you do water it sounds like you just poured a bowl of Rice Crispies. Snap Crackle Pop!


Well-Known Member
hey guys i really need ur help on this one im growin one plant next week "first grow" :bigjoint: so how often do i water and how much i no about the ph stuff but i never thought of this dose it matter? once a day? poor it in spray it how do i do this

pH matters very much.. Watering will depend on your soil mix. I would not suggest once a day unless you're using a mix that allows for a lot of fast drainage. I have found it is much easier to overwater than to underwater. There are also a lot more potential problems with overwatering such as nute burns and salt buildups and even gnats. It is also easier to fix a nutrient deficiency than an over-nute problem. It may not be necessary to use nutrients every time you water however pHing the water or nute mix is neccessary every time. As for how often to water, your plant will definately show when it needs water. The signs are very noticable. The leaves get droopy and the stems get limp. As for foliar feeding, I personally don't but you may want to in the vegitative state if you're in a climate with a very low humidity. I hope this info helps. I'm still a beginner but the overwatering problem has been my biggest downfall thus far.


Well-Known Member
Watering cycle is like feeding your babe. They will tell you when they need water, just as they will tell when they need oxygen, when your soil is full of water, the root take what they need from the water. Then as it drys up, the root get the oxygen, as more air flows through your dirt. This is why, it good to let your soil dry a bit before watering. But dont let it dry up to the point, the soil is pulling away from the sides of pot. One good way of learning, this is to let them dry up and keep a good eye on them. She will feel light in wait, and she will drop youll know at that time just how far she can go with out water. Feed her and with in the hour she will be standing tall. Then youll know for sure.