Which nutrients/fertalizers do i need for out door growing??


Complete noob here, tried reading as much as i can but the options are endless and people have pros and cons about everything.
I am growing outdoor and so far I just have a crap load of of Vermicrop Organic soil i was going to plant my babies in. What nutrients and fertilizers will i need along the way?
Just need a name and when its applied and I will have google to lead me to page to order it online, Thanks!


Well-Known Member
If you plan to visit the plants on a regular basis just use what you would use indoors,if you won't see them that often it would be a good idea to use water storage crystals and a time release fert like osmocote


Well-Known Member
You probably wouldn't need to check them that often,i meant if you could only visit them once a week etc.
Depending on what you want to spend just go with what is used for indoor grows,the variety out there is huge.
You wont need any nutes for the first few weeks anyway.


Well should i ask over in the indoor section? I see the selection is endless but I have no clue where to even start, i tried googleing like a top 5 list of best nutrients but couldn't find any that are current, found a few old post from mid 2000's.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is different and has their own favourites,the trick is to keep it simple,something for veg high in nitrogen and for flower you need higher phosphorus and potassium.
If you go to your local hydro store you will find all you need.
You should check that soil mix you mentioned because if i is already pre-nuted it could burn your seedlings.
Personally what I will be using is topmax and I also have a bat guano based fert also.


The soil does have food for the plants but i thought i read somewhere its only enough to last 2 weeks?? Maybe i was reading something else. Thanks for your input


Well-Known Member
The soil might be too hot for your seedlings,it might be better to start them in a light mix and then when they are ready transplant them into it.
I burned seedlings by putting them into pre-nuted soil and although they recovered it took weeks before they started growing proper.


Well-Known Member
That's a great link. Nice short break down for the novice. sent ya rep for posting it up . You can get 10000 different reply's on what to feed with, mostly what one uses for themselves . First thing is to decide if synthetic or organic is your choice . Then what retailers do you have near by to purchase from and how much do you want to spend . After those choices are made there are endless options .