White Spots on leaves


New Member
Dear All,

New to this so would really appreciate your help.

Indoor Grown
Soil Mix
Flowering Stage (6 days)
Water every 3 days (fertlizing 7-7-7 NPK every 2nd watering)

The whitish/yellowish/creamish spots started to appear once in the flowering stage. They are on the largest leafs and the bottom-middle part of the plant.

After research I thought I narrowed it down to two possibilities. pH problem or spider mite, however I searched thoroughly with a magnifying glass and could not find black spots, webs, or eggs. And for pH, I only use bottled water ( :D).

Perhaps this is all normal, but thought better safe than sorry.




Well-Known Member
PH won't cause spots like that to my knowledge. Looks like mites, I would do another inspection...


Active Member
I vote pH. Look at the picture of the fan that is true green in color or taken in white light. That at the tip is most definately pH. After inspection and he still doesn't find anything, its pH. Last year my tomato crop got nailed with mites. They yellow pepper spots that we see in the pictures look nothing close to the shear amount of "pepper spots" he would have if it was mites. Neem is ok but I have grown to resent the smell, so I don't use it at all. I prefer to put need cake in my soil and spray Bio control agents.

Sorry guys, I have to disagree with you on the mite thing, like I said,......pH. Top dress with some high quality compost and add humic acids to your fertilizer solution.


Well-Known Member
No worries tiki, didnt know PH could cause that. On second look with something beside my phone the spots also look a bit big for mites.

"To my knowledge" now includes more knowledge... +rep for putting salli on the right track...


New Member
Thank you everyone for your replies so far,

Is it safe to say though that it is either pH or a pest problem and I could start treating for both?

I will measure the pH of exit water and reply back to you all, ideally what should it be?


Active Member
No worries tiki, didnt know PH could cause that. On second look with something beside my phone the spots also look a bit big for mites.

"To my knowledge" now includes more knowledge... +rep for putting salli on the right track...
Thanks man!


Active Member
Thank you everyone for your replies so far,

Is it safe to say though that it is either pH or a pest problem and I could start treating for both?

I will measure the pH of exit water and reply back to you all, ideally what should it be?
Wait on the pest for now, and treat for pH. (after conformation) Ideal pH is 6.5, no lower than 6 and no higher than 7.


New Member
Wait on the pest for now, and treat for pH. (after conformation) Ideal pH is 6.5, no lower than 6 and no higher than 7.
Hello all,

I measured the pH of the bottled water I use and it is 7.5.

I measure the run-off water and it is 5.6

I think the fertiliser is causing the acidity.

Looks like a pH problem, how do I rectify?


New Member
I would like to add that the water that I poured into the plant, to collect the run-off water and measure the pH, did not have any fertiliser. Should it have when testing for pH?


New Member
Yes I did with a magnifying glass and could not find anything. Weird! Do u think it could be thrips?


Active Member
I would venture to say that your soil mix is peat based and as time has gone on, the peat breaks down and turns the substrate acidic. Add dolomite lime @ rate of 1 tbsp/gallon of soil. Its a possibility that you do have thrips, but please tell us more about this soil mix. what brand is it and whats in it. Any low release fertilizers?

That brand is the fertilizer? What are it's listed elemental sources and given values?
5.6 run off is really low, with a 7.5 going in. How much water did you pour in?
Some growers use 1/4 strength complete fertilizer solution for flush, and others use tap water, RO, mineral, RODI. It all depends on the grower, what's available, and what/how much has to get flushed out. But you are fine with the water you have.

It could be thrips, but that depends on the soil source and anything you added to it.


New Member
my plant is in early flower but i have located spider mite i think. Pretty sure it is 2wks in of flowering. what can i do right now to save it. i have cut a lot of leaf out but i cant keep doing that. i'm about 6 wks away from harvest please help.. something organic would diluted Tee Tree oil work arghhhhhhhhh and i'm out doors