White widow flowering


So I wanted to know how long it will take for WW from flowering start till harvest day?

and about Lowryder 2.... could someone send me a picture how does look Lowryder ready for harvest, cuz I cant tell if its ready or not....



Active Member
So I wanted to know how long it will take for WW from flowering start till harvest day?

and about Lowryder 2.... could someone send me a picture how does look Lowryder ready for harvest, cuz I cant tell if its ready or not....

I am also getting started on some WW, you have been flowering for 1 month now? I am interested to know how the whole process was so far? Is it a relatively easy plant to take care of, I was planning on vegging for about 2 1/2 to 3 months, and then flowering for about 2 months max.

Anyway, how are they looking, any chance on getting some photos up?


Well-Known Member
this is relevant to my interests as well, I'm soaking my WW seeds tonight and will begin the process tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
The WW seeds I got from Nirvana last year are about 12 weeks from seed to harvest. You can definitely go longer as they will continue to branch off and bud. I'm in a hurry, so I usually put them on the twelve hour cycle after about two or three weeks. With my LED/UFO - CFL setup, mine stay pretty short with this method, maybe 24 inches. My friend has a 400 HPS and he gets high productivity with these same seeds, even with a short veg cycle, and his will get much taller and fuller. BTW, if you get a male, the resulting seeds to the same WW female are really good. I got over six hundred seeds in my last seed project. These are fairly consistent quality and usually get at least 66% female. I've found if you go for seeds, pollinating the exact same breed with itself will yield pretty good results. When I cross with a different breed, I get bad results usually.

Especially if you have a decent HPS, over vegging is kind of a waste.


I just got some White Widow the other day, they're sitting in some water now, I'm hoping to see them crack soon. How long do you keep them in water?


Active Member
The WW seeds I got from Nirvana last year are about 12 weeks from seed to harvest. You can definitely go longer as they will continue to branch off and bud. I'm in a hurry, so I usually put them on the twelve hour cycle after about two or three weeks. With my LED/UFO - CFL setup, mine stay pretty short with this method, maybe 24 inches. My friend has a 400 HPS and he gets high productivity with these same seeds, even with a short veg cycle, and his will get much taller and fuller. BTW, if you get a male, the resulting seeds to the same WW female are really good. I got over six hundred seeds in my last seed project. These are fairly consistent quality and usually get at least 66% female. I've found if you go for seeds, pollinating the exact same breed with itself will yield pretty good results. When I cross with a different breed, I get bad results usually.

Especially if you have a decent HPS, over vegging is kind of a waste.
Cheers brother! Am looking for all and any info, this place is full of it!! I could sit here for hours reading. Anyways, for anyone else, I'm all ears on WW tips and advice, will be growing in a fairly getto setup but its all good!!


I am also getting started on some WW, you have been flowering for 1 month now? I am interested to know how the whole process was so far? Is it a relatively easy plant to take care of, I was planning on vegging for about 2 1/2 to 3 months, and then flowering for about 2 months max.

Anyway, how are they looking, any chance on getting some photos up?
Yeah They are like 1 month now..... It was interesting ;D cuz its my first grow ever.... and some time ago I thougt that I will give up on them.... but in the end I found some good info about them and now Its going great....
mby I will post some photos some days later.....


Well-Known Member
White widow can be finished in 8 week if the grow room is keyed perfect but if it was me i would always leave the widow a extra week or two 10 weeks and she will be lovely the smell will have intenceified and the thc will be perfect at that stage but like i say check the glands out or you may over cook her.......................................tyke.................................................................................................


New Member
I have vegged my White Widows for 2 in a half months today is the frist day i switced the lights to 12/12 im useing better gro bloom 13 35 14 its gonna produce massive buds like you have yet to be seen !