WhiteRhino, LemonSkunk , K-train, Cheese , BubbleCheese , " NFT + DWC GROW"


Well-Known Member
hi guys n gals, welcome to my journal n thanx for taking the time to stop by.

i currently have various strains at diff stages of growth , from greenhouse seeds i have cheese , bubble cheese , lemonskunk n k-train. the rhino's i have are from nirvanah and there the same phenos as i grew last time. old favourite lol.

in the next few pages i will go over everything im doing frm hydro setup to ferts n routines.
but first id like to say that sum ppl will dissagree with my methods coz im an aggressive feeder , imho i believe ppl have been under feeding for years n not alot but sum are afraid to up there nutes for fear of death. for the last 5 years ive experimented deeply into this and have found that plants can handle alot more than you think.

i cud ramble on n on lol but the proof is in the pudding so stay tuned ppl , your about to be amazed....


Well-Known Member
flowering room = SECRET JARDIN DS120. DIMENSIONS 120X120X200
extraction = RVK100 with carbon filter -
lighting = 2x400w hps
16" oscilating fan
20 litre dwc bubblers and 20litre nft tanks(205gt)

Nutrient used is
Vitalink MAX grow , 2 part feed.
GreenHaze BLOOM 2part feed.
Hesi SuperVit , 1 drop per 5litre from start to flush
and pk 13/14 frm 4th wk flower till 7th wk

clone/veg room
decent sized cuboard , "i never use propagators"..... 1x 20litre nft tank and a bubbler with various clones from all the strains mentioned above . 2x 125w envirolights 1blue and 1 red spectrum on 20hrs a day.
i clone and veg in this room then move them into the tent when there the desired height of 14-16"
the nutrient strength in both tanks is contantly set to ec 1.2 and ph 5.6-5.8

will post pics when i get a chance.

In the tent im just 2wks into flower with 4 WhiteRhino's and 2 Unknown clones i got frm a fellow gardener.
there all in a single 20litre bubbler with a modded lid to take 1" net pots.
all were added at the same time , the rhino's were all around 14" while the unknown were only about 9" tall.
for the 1st week of 12/12 they were still being fed with vitalink grow but the cf was increased from 1.2-1.5. held it there for a week then started using the greenhaze bloom. 1st feed was set to an ec of 1.7
2nd feed which was today was set to an ec of 2.0 and ph 5.8
the next 2-3 feeds is where the strength get increased dramatically and its not uncommon for me to finish feeding at an ec of 3.0-3.6

all plants have doubled in size in the last 2 wks , the biggest rhino is 30" tall with the others just behind at 26-28" and both the unknowns are 19-20" tall.
the nuggets are forming nicely there already the size of my thumb nail and for being only 2 wks in there doing great.


Well-Known Member
will be adding lemon skunk cheese and bubble cheese in the next 2-3wks.
the feminised bubble cheese bean frm greenhouse seeds arrived the other day , i started soaking it as soon as i opened the package and 2 days in and its up and out of the rockwool.
not heard alot on this strain so cant say alot about it yet but im sure she'l be great.

the lemon skunk is an amazin plant, handles high strength ferts, packs one hell of a punch n yield is good. 2-4oz per plant.
stretches soooo much tho , some of mine have been flowered at 12 inches and they still reached over 3 foot.
finishes in 8-9wks and the smell is awesome. kinda like lemon sorbet lol..

the cheese as you all know is a superb plant, rich in sticky crystals with big tight nuggets.
its also from greenhouse seeds.

the k-train is from a friends plant that i managed to clone without any probz. (heard in the grape vine that its hard to clone frm the greenhouse k-train ). chinese whispers no doubt lol.
the plant the clones came from wasnt in the best of health frm start to finish but the yield it produced was out of this world for a sick half dead plant.
hence the reason im dyin to get them in the big tent.


Well-Known Member
there might be 1 vintage haze added to the tent soon, ive not decided to flower the clone yet as im not that keen on 12wk strains but if i find a place to put her she'l be under the big lights in a few wks.
might put her in 1 of my nft tanks alongside the cheese or maybe just put her in dirt.


Well-Known Member
will try n take decent pics today peeps, still uzin webcam so cant promise they will be any better than the ones i already posted..


Well-Known Member
hey guys n gals, back after alot of faffin about. the rhinos above were hermies , the feminised bubble cheese from big buddah was a hermie , the k-train was pollenated , the lemon was the only strain which i know to be fine so out of all the strains she was the only 1 i kept going....

just been unlucky with the beans and im quite dissapointed with BIG BUDDAHS BUBBLE CHEESE but ive started again and things are lookin good so far...

ive got 2 lemon skunk in 1 bubbler , 6 hustla's widows in the other bubbler, 4 other hustla's in pots , 2 godbud seedlings in pots. and in the pics i will post u will see two small cheese in pots that are 7.5wks into flower.



Well-Known Member
ordered feminised superskunk frm nirvahna and feminised super bud from greenhouse, the beans came today so will be soakin them in a day or 2 and will be adding them to the grow asap.. has any1 here grown the superbud b4 n if so can you tell me anythin about them.


Well-Known Member
starting to fill out a little now...

the hustlas widows in the bubbler are lookin great , so its fingers crossed there's a few fems amongst them. if not ive over 1000 more hustlas to choose from...
lol it helps when ur big brother is da !!.HUSTLA.!!

anyway heres a few pics of how they were lookin today...

not that much difference with the plants in the pots but a few days and they will get over the shock of bein re-potted. there also the f1 hustlas widow. 2 are defo females and the other 2 are unknown as yet.
lemons are also comin along nicely...


