Why is my plant so hungry???


Active Member
ITs in the 3rd week of flowering..budding nicely. But if I dont give it nutes every 3 days it starts to yellow and droop....Ive NEVER seen a plant eat this much....


Well-Known Member
The big fan leaves store nutes.

As she attempts to mate with a male, she uses those stored nutes, and you end up with buds.

The older she gets the harder she tries to get pollinated, thus sucking up more nutes from the leaves.

If theres no nutes in the leaves, they yellow up and die off.


Active Member
The big fan leaves store nutes.

As she attempts to mate with a male, she uses those stored nutes, and you end up with buds.

The older she gets the harder she tries to get pollinated, thus sucking up more nutes from the leaves.

If theres no nutes in the leaves, they yellow up and die off.
Wow,thanx. With that said,what if i foilar feed the leaves?


Well-Known Member
At the end of her cycle though, you want those leaves to dry up and die off.

Usually around week 8-9, when you start seeing majority of your trichs turn amber.

Early flower though, they will suck up tons of nutes. Its not uncommon to feed with nutes every other watering.


Well-Known Member
The big fan leaves store nutes.

As she attempts to mate with a male, she uses those stored nutes, and you end up with buds.

The older she gets the harder she tries to get pollinated, thus sucking up more nutes from the leaves.

If theres no nutes in the leaves, they yellow up and die off.
thanks...i also have the same issue but i havent really been feeding her anything. but the thing though is that the other strain sitting next to her doesnt yellow up on the leaves. so im pretty sure it aint the soil. what should i feed her then? more p or more n?


Well-Known Member
thanks...i also have the same issue but i havent really been feeding her anything. but the thing though is that the other strain sitting next to her doesnt yellow up on the leaves. so im pretty sure it aint the soil. what should i feed her then? more p or more n?

Is she flowering or still vegging?

They dont really need much N during flowering stage, just enough to keep the leaves healthy.

As far as the other plants not yellowing up, its just the way it is. Plants are like fingerprints. While all of them are very very similiar in nature, every one is unique to itself.

So while 1 plant might be starving for nutes, another might not be ready for them yet. There is no "set in stone" feeding schedules, etc. Even though companies like FF provide feeding charts and such, they are merely guidelines for when to provide nutes.

In the end, its up to the plants to tell you when they want nutes.