Why is she so small??? Day 23, White Widow, First Grow


Hey guys,

So I am currently 23 days into my first grow and I feel like my plant should be much larger, anyone know why my girl is so small? And is this necessarily a bad thing?

Overall she seems fairly healthy, but hasn't really grown at all in the last 4-5 days

All the details on the grow can be found here, feel free to reply there as well - https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/619887-first-grow-white-widow-cfl.html

Any advice whatsoever would be greatly appreciated!

Day 23IMG_20130217_000006.jpgIMG_20130217_000029.jpgIMG_20130217_000129.jpg


Well-Known Member
She looks over watered

do you have holes in the bottom of the pot for drainage?

if not make a dozen or so in it and it will help the roots dry out better. And not be sitting in still water.


Well-Known Member
She's been stunted your whole grow. Very droopy leaves like you've been over watering her. She looks alot greener now after you transplanted unless its the lights messing with my eyes. Good advice in your grow journal to let your soil dry out some, water sparingly for a while. I have to say for almost 3weeks the picture of your roots, I thought you should of had more roots than what she has. IMO


One of my actual plants is a dwarf and happened to be planted in a container that was too large. The plant kept growing roots instead of foliage. I think it was also getting over watered, due to the size of the pot. It looked just like yours. I transplanted it in a smaller container and it began growing.


Well-Known Member
You guys over watering need to lift the container the plant is in and feel the weight. It should feel almost hollow, the plant leaves will start to droop slightly, when they get bigger they will show this more. This is what severe lack of water looks like...the plant in the upper left corner is starting to droop from lack of water. Thats what they look like when theyre thirsty. Those plants all looked fine again after 45 minutes from when i watered which was ten seconds after i took the pic. Cannabis likes when the soil is near dry and growth is always stunted when theres soggy conditions. I think mine grows the most right before its dry. Use the container weight as your guide. :):):)


It's sounds like I have been drowning her! Thanks for all the advice, Hopefully I can get her back on track here!


Well-Known Member
One of my actual plants is a dwarf and happened to be planted in a container that was too large. The plant kept growing roots instead of foliage. I think it was also getting over watered, due to the size of the pot. It looked just like yours. I transplanted it in a smaller container and it began growing.
There is no such thing as "too large" when it comes to pot size.
I planted a seed in the ground, so its "pot size" was a few million gallons. It did great, better than the plant in a 3 gallon container.

I put clones or seeds in 5 gallon pots inside and they do great.


Well-Known Member
white widow can be a slow plant to grow. got a super stunted pheno in my last pack, still went ahead and mainlined it for 8. plant vegged for like 55 day, was only like, 8 inche tall, pulled about 2.5 zip.