Will sulfer effect my bud?


Well-Known Member
Im 5 weeks into flowering. I have mold from a plant I brought into my veg room and it spread. Can I burn sulfer to get rid of it without wiping the leaves and will it affect my bud or yield?


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Your plants will be breathing the air along with the sulphur,
arguably yes, although I can't say I've smoked sulphur burned
buds and could tell...


Active Member
I use a sulfur vaporizer, I can't ell a difference in taste or smell. Never burned thelast week tho.


Well-Known Member
I use a sulfur vaporizer, I can't ell a difference in taste or smell. Never burned thelast week tho.
I have 4 tables and they are 2 weeks apart. im not woried about the ones that are almost done but by the time the younger ones are done it might get out of hand


Active Member
Yeah, pm spreads quick. Outside of preventative measures, burning sulfur is the most effectice means I've found for this battle. I don't like using too many chemicals but it is a commercial greenhouse standard for such problems. And sulfur is however a basic element found everywhere. And mj does use sulfur. I figure its probobly better than chemical based fungicides.


Well-Known Member
I never used sulpher before but I have had mold issues. Theres a product called plantacilin, its all natural organic thats contains beneficial bacteria's. It's job is too eat the mold and it works. I use it as a foliar spray and i spray it evrywhere. Its also safe and good to water your plants with too


Active Member
Never heard of that stuff, ill check it out. Before I bought a sulfur vaporizer I tried every recomendation on here with no avail. I got the burner and learned I couldn't vape when I had used neem. So I had to try every other method not containing sulfur, all had very little relief. Using a neem oil mix was the best combative that I had tried, well, baking soda and water actually did about as good as neem. It got me thru harvest however I still had some loss. I refused to keep buds with mold so I tossed a couple ounces on the compost heap, but the second new ladies went in they got mold. I vaporized them and I could not believe how well it work. The plants are very very happy, even on the day of the burn, no stress at all on them.