Will we see an exodus of the GOP from Trump now?


Well-Known Member
With the guilty plea of Popodopoulous and the indictment of Manafort and Gates. Will the GOP start fleeing any association with Trump?
No, you haven't been paying attention. The GOP is folding in behind Trump, not distancing themselves. Just look at all the repug's calling for muehller to resign or be fired.

The few who have criticized him have announced retirement. McCain probably won't live long. They will all be replaced by trumpets.
No, you haven't been paying attention. The GOP is folding in behind Trump, not distancing themselves. Just look at all the repug's calling for muehller to resign or be fired.

The few who have criticized him have announced retirement. McCain probably won't live long. They will all be replaced by trumpets.
I think Papodopolous guilty plea and whoever he outs will push the GOP to bail.
I think Papodopolous guilty plea and whoever he outs will push the GOP to bail.

Maybe, but its unlikely. This body has shown no indepenndence, no matter how outrageous the offenses have been. It's like they are suffering from a combination of child abuse and the stockholm syndrome.

They are incapable of bailing. The cell door could be unlocked and ajar, and they would think it was a trap and not walk out.

To simply say they are spineless at this point doesn't explain it. They certainly have no free will, but they are also conditioned to comply without protest.
Maybe, but its unlikely. This body has shown no indepenndence, no matter how outrageous the offenses have been. It's like they are suffering from a combination of child abuse and the stockholm syndrome.

They are incapable of bailing. The cell door could be unlocked and ajar, and they would think it was a trap and not walk out.

To simply say they are spineless at this point doesn't explain it. They certainly have no free will, but they are also conditioned to comply without protest.
If there Taxreformscam fails. They will start attacking the Orange menace
Nah, they can't quit him; they've got no place else to go. Look at the way these weasels acted in lockstep with him last week by opening investigations against Hillary and Obama. They are banking on the confusion that they have worked so very hard to sow carrying them through. They have shown that they are willing to wipe their asses with the Constitution if it suits their purposes and their constituents support it. They have demonstrated that a large chunk of the population are willing to follow them in "ultra patriotic flag waving" despite their actions hurting those same people. Those people will stick with them despite their collusion with a foreign enemy because their idea of what America is is both dated and warped. Most of these clowns come from gerrymandered districts where they can count on their own reelection.

In short, they will do anything they can to hold power and, given the fragmentation of their opposition, many of whom are also hobbled by their disinformation campaign, I don't blame them.
If there Taxreformscam fails. They will start attacking the Orange menace

Tax reform won't fail, unless it doesn't go far enough to screw over single mothers and low income americans. All it will take is simple majorities in both houses. It can't be filibustered. You won't find 3 republican senators to oppose it. They are all in favor at the moment. This bill isn't about revenge, it's about greed.

The only thing that has slowed it down is the lobbyists are still gorging at the troff.

Stolen elections have consequences. They aren't going to screw up a good thing over something as repugnant as ethics or as trivial as the constitution.
With the guilty plea of Popodopoulous and the indictment of Manafort and Gates. Will the GOP start fleeing any association with Trump?
No way, the very day Jeff Flake announced he wasn’t going to seek re-election he voted yes to taking away the right from ppl not to be able to sue banks if they fucked them over and only allow them to go through arbitration panel that is in the pockets of big banks. The vote was 50 - 50 with Pence casting the deciding vote to pass the bill. The pukes have always and will forever remain no fucking good.
So don’t expect them to do what’s right for the Country.
But I do suspect that if this tax scam were to pass then there will be a lot of ‘Cojones’ all of a sudden. Ryan will do cartwheels down Pennsylvania Avenue if that happens.
Nah, they can't quit him; they've got no place else to go. Look at the way these weasels acted in lockstep with him last week by opening investigations against Hillary and Obama. They are banking on the confusion that they have worked so very hard to sow carrying them through. They have shown that they are willing to wipe their asses with the Constitution if it suits their purposes and their constituents support it. They have demonstrated that a large chunk of the population are willing to follow them in "ultra patriotic flag waving" despite their actions hurting those same people. Those people will stick with them despite their collusion with a foreign enemy because their idea of what America is is both dated and warped. Most of these clowns come from gerrymandered districts where they can count on their own reelection.

In short, they will do anything they can to hold power and, given the fragmentation of their opposition, many of whom are also hobbled by their disinformation campaign, I don't blame them.
This is an excellent analysis, which then begs the next logical question; what do we do about it? How do We the People take our country back from those who would do callously destroy every institution that protects and supports our democracy?

It's the pursuit of answers to those questions that has led me to the Progressive Movement, because the thinking you've described is clearly endemic not just to the protofascist cabal inhabiting the White House but also to both sides of the aisle in Congress and every Statehouse in the Union.
Tax reform won't fail, unless it doesn't go far enough to screw over single mothers and low income americans. All it will take is simple majorities in both houses. It can't be filibustered. You won't find 3 republican senators to oppose it. They are all in favor at the moment. This bill isn't about revenge, it's about greed.

The only thing that has slowed it down is the lobbyists are still gorging at the troff.

Stolen elections have consequences. They aren't going to screw up a good thing over something as repugnant as ethics or as trivial as the constitution.
No way, the very day Jeff Flake announced he wasn’t going to seek re-election he voted yes to taking away the right from ppl not to be able to sue banks if they fucked them over and only allow them to go through arbitration panel that is in the pockets of big banks. The vote was 50 - 50 with Pence casting the deciding vote to pass the bill. The pukes have always and will forever remain no fucking good.
So don’t expect them to do what’s right for the Country.
But I do suspect that if this tax scam were to pass then there will be a lot of ‘Cojones’ all of a sudden. Ryan will do cartwheels down Pennsylvania Avenue if that happens.
Never underestimate your enemy. The represent the interests of their constituents very well, indeed. The ultra wealthy have bought and paid for their presence in Washington, DC and expect their investment to yield dividends.

After all, you never see the police running roughshod over THEIR Constitutional rights, do you?
No, you haven't been paying attention. The GOP is folding in behind Trump, not distancing themselves. Just look at all the repug's calling for muehller to resign or be fired.

The few who have criticized him have announced retirement. McCain probably won't live long. They will all be replaced by trumpets.
Even the Wall Street Journal has called for Mueller's firing. This ridiculous stance from a (formerly) respected publication makes more sense when one remembers that it's now a property of Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp.