

Well-Known Member
anyone ever order anything from here?
ordered a worm bin just over a week ago, got a reply email saying they got payment and that they would email me when it was shipped. this was nov 23
on there website it says they ship every monday, so 2 mondays have passed , so i left a message on there website yesterday asking about info and got no response. so emailed [email protected] wich is where confirmation came from. But no response at all?
should i be worried? pretty sure if i think they are trying to rip me i can just stop payment on my cc........end rant
so anyone have experience with them? or even heard of them
anyone ever order anything from here?
ordered a worm bin just over a week ago, got a reply email saying they got payment and that they would email me when it was shipped. this was nov 23
on there website it says they ship every monday, so 2 mondays have passed , so i left a message on there website yesterday asking about info and got no response. so emailed [email protected] wich is where confirmation came from. But no response at all?
should i be worried? pretty sure if i think they are trying to rip me i can just stop payment on my cc........end rant
so anyone have experience with them? or even heard of them

I took a look, and they seem legit based on the fact they have no negative Google reviews and also they've been around for awhile. A lot of these places are one-person "on-the-side" operations also. I'd give them another week before jumping to conclusions. If they don't answer your emails or messages within another week and no ship notice, then I'd be worried and freak out.
I took a look, and they seem legit based on the fact they have no negative Google reviews and also they've been around for awhile. A lot of these places are one-person "on-the-side" operations also. I'd give them another week before jumping to conclusions. If they don't answer your emails or messages within another week and no ship notice, then I'd be worried and freak out.
thanks Northwood
i think your right about it being a one person operation type deal.
i bought the urban worm bag 2.0 So i went to the worm bags website and sure enough has wormbox.ca as the Canadian distributor.so i just emailed them, they got back to me pretty quick saying i probably did a pre ordered and that the shipment going to wormbox.ca was shipping out Dec 7.
so hopefully i get it by the dec 10
I got mine....took awhile but I got it
I had to contact the actual maker of the wormbag before I got a response from the website I bought it from
Funny enouh i JUST got an text saying it was enroute through canadapost all in over a month and 4 unanswered messages via email twice, their contact page on their website and on fb messenger (read np response) overall shit customer service
I ordered a worm bin in March and it took about a week to arrive. Worms were all alive but my bin was damaged. They replaced the lid with no hassle a few weeks later.
I got mine....took awhile but I got it
I had to contact the actual maker of the wormbag before I got a response from the website I bought it from
But you did get it? what is your opinion of said Wormbag? Just wondering as I'm raising worms in large plastic totes and there is always a few worms who insist on wandering away from their box. Enjoy those castings!

I'm Fred from Wormbox (founder and owner)! We are a very small business (2-3 persons) with thousands of customers (over 5000 orders of worms, worm castings and worm composter delivered since March 2020).

I found this thread so I joined the forum to be able to post.

You can Ask Me Anything.

It will be a pleasure to answer your questions and help you if you have concerns regarding your order.