Would you F*ck yourself?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you had a perfect clone of yourself right now, would you fuck it? How would you do it? Would you be the top or the bottom?

Please be detailed.


bud bootlegger
I'd have to have a sex change first to consider that.
lol, yeah, if i were a chic i'd do me, but than my clone would have to be a male.. but that would technically not be a clone now would it?? damn, i'm all confused now.. :(

but no, if i had a male clone of me, i'd surely not fuck me.. maybe if they made a racergirl clone i'd be down.. :D


bud bootlegger
I once had a strange dream where suddenly I was floating above my sleeping body...... and for whatever reason I fucked myself. It was rather disturbing
me and a buddy once did a bunch of k.. were sitting on a couch next to each other... deep in a k hole, i looked over, and saw myself through his eyes.. was the craziest thing ever... there was no eff'in involved though..
once we could speak again, he said he experienced the very same exact thing.. so far, he's the only other person i've experienced this world through his eyes.. :D

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I once had a strange dream where suddenly I was floating above my sleeping body...... and for whatever reason I fucked myself. It was rather disturbing
LMFAO. Just saw everything you just said.

me and a buddy once did a bunch of k.. were sitting on a couch next to each other... deep in a k hole, i looked over, and saw myself through his eyes.. was the craziest thing ever... there was no eff'in involved though..
once we could speak again, he said he experienced the very same exact thing.. so far, he's the only other person i've experienced this world through his eyes.. :D
Was totally waiting for the eff'in.
I once had a strange dream where suddenly I was floating above my sleeping body...... and for whatever reason I fucked myself. It was rather disturbing
You just got sig'd.

I'm surprised Finshaggy has never mentioned something like this. He can go fuck himself any day of the week


Well-Known Member
I'd go in dry, rawdog, telling my clone to bite the curb because I don't have a pillow for my gimp clone bitch boy!


New Member
bitches be nasty.O my.......

the things they think of.....

.................................................some peoples children


Well-Known Member
Definitely! I'm a rare pheno for sure! I'd take a small piece of myself and put it in
my new aeroponic cloning box and in 2 weeks the World would be a better place! :)



Well-Known Member
Can I spoon myself for a while first........ see how it feels and go from there?

Can there be two clones, so I can be lucky Pierre? It's not gay if it's me, right?