WOW- Never quickdry again!


Active Member
Ok guys, after my first grow i quick dried a bunch and god damn it was a nasty smoke. I thought I was high but I wasnt at all, i was just hungry and tired. But after waiting a week for the rest to dry and smoking some I realized that i wasnt even close to high. I spent hours running around my house having all kinds epiphenies one after another. I thought for sure I had solved all the worlds problems... but I cant remember what my solutions were. Ill never quickdry again. Im so stoked that I was able to make some seriously grade A awesome weed.


Well-Known Member
how are you guys quick drying? I use a flower and herb dryer on my harvests and I get stoned as fuck. My drier uses no heat and dries 1/2 lb of weed in 3 days with out mold or mildew problems. The drier eliminates that all togeather.


Well-Known Member
ive quick dryed a few pop corn nugz off my plants to hold me over and ive never minded the u might tho :)


Well-Known Member
If the weed was any good to start with, flash drying wouldn't make the weed weak, just harsh. Never the best idea.


Well-Known Member
Let us not forget the natural chemical processes that occur while drying and curing to convert the acid based form of THC into the drug. A man's rush through this natural process will only end in a lack of full potent-tial.
