WTF is wrong with RIU today


Well-Known Member
some threads work some don't. Sometimes I can read a thread but the last page won't load. I've been trying to update my journal but won't let me post in it or see the last page. Tried to read the slow RIU thread and it won't open but others will.


Well-Known Member
Finally. I thought it might've been my pc or dial-up. I'd rather get thrown off the internet than wait ten minutes for a page to maybe load. It's suck-a-licious.


Well-Known Member
If the site gets beyond a certain size (for example the gallery gets to large) the amount of RAM the server requires gets way up there. Also, there may be many, MANY people accessing the site at the same time, which will guaranteed bog the site way down (especially if you're like me and you load everything in a separate tab - just scroll thru the list and middle-click away!)