WW Questions/ PICS included!!!


Active Member
Ok today is week 7 of my ww and unknown grow. I have a few questions about using nutes and other things. i got 1 plant that has stunted growth and 1 plant that is alot shorter then others. biggest is 9.5 inches smallest is 5 inches. I was gonna pop em under 12/12 with my hps this week and i wanted to know about using nutes with seaweed extract together mixed in 1 gal of water. would that be ok? i also use gnatrol to kill any larvae that might be on the roots cuz i did have a pest prob. I gues my question is can i mix nutes, seaweed extract, and gnatrol all is 1 watering??? its 1/2 oz seaweed extract per gal. and 1 teaspoon of nutes( fox farm grow big 6-4-4)per gal. and 1 table spoon of gnatrol per gal. is it ok to mix all in 1 gal.??????



Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. Re you sure they are all the same strain, maybe its natural growth for that strain. Yes you can mix them all in your gallon of water. You might want to check your nutes though. Thats sound low for a gallon, more like the amount you would use for a liter. You may be right, I don't use that brand, so I am guessing on that one. VV